Running time:
Participants: No data.
Project url: No data.
Documents: Intervention;
Posts for the project
"Rengeteg munkánk lenne 2023-ban is" - az Eötvös Károly Intézet adománykérő levele
Only available in Hungarian.
EGY MÁSIK MAGYARORSZÁG HANGJÁN - Nyilatkozat Orbán Viktor Tusnádfürdőn elhangzott beszédének elutasításáról
Only available in Hungarian.
A gyávaság tombolása, avagy az Orbán Klán magánéletvédelme (álláspont)
Only available in Hungarian.
Demokratáknak kívül tágasabb, avagy a választási vereség után a szabad, demokratikus és szolidáris Magyarország megőrzendő álma és új esélyei
Available only in Hungarian.
A sztrájk alapjog! (álláspont)
Senki se bocsásson meg helyette! - borostyánkoszorú a megvesztegethetetlen Setét Jenő sírjára
Only avialable in Hungarian.
Fight for university autonomy: what is the message of the resistance of SZFE citizens? (+infographic)
A constitutional analysis of the fight for autonomy of the University for Theatre and Film Arts Budapest (SZFE)
Civil society, democracy and the rule of law (+infographic)
Study on the theoretical and empirical connections between civil society, democracy and the rule of law in Hungary.
Távol Európától - A kormánypárt keményhangú határozattal az EU-val szembeni ellenállásra utasítaná a miniszterelnököt (vélemény)
Only available in Hungarian.
Ámítás párbeszéd helyett - A nemzeti konzultáció gúnyt űz az állampolgári részvételből (vélemény)
Available only in Hungarian.
NER-lakók (vélemény)
Hol élünk?! (vélemény)
Manipuláció, morálispánik-keltés és lehetséges ellenszereik (minikonferencia)
This article is available only in Hungarian.
What does the poet think of and what doesn't the vice-president of Fidesz?
This content is only available in Hungarian.
The Eötvös Károly Institute’s Quick Analysis of the “Stop Soros” Legislative Package
Its real purpose is to silence members of civil society who are critical of the Government.
Hungarian NGOs against Putin in Strasbourg
Together with other NGOs Eötvös Károly Policy Institute takes action against the dangerous spread of the Russian model at the Strasbourg Court.
Media coverage of EKINT's conference on civil disobedience
EKINT organized a conference on civil disobedience on 4 July 2017 in Átrium Film-Színház. Selected media appearances listed here.
On civil disobedience and the truthfulness of government representatives
EKINT’s standpoint on civil disobedience and an open letter to Viktor Orbán PM and László Trócsányi Minister of Justice
When civil society disappear, who will speak up for you?
EKINT's reaction for the civil law that has been passed on 13 June 2017.
On settling foreign nationals, corruption and civil disobedience
EKINT's reaction to Antal Rogán's statement made on 26 May
Open letter for the civil society
100 Hungarian artists ask the representatives not to vote for the stigmatizing law against the civil society.
Videos: Take action for constitutionality!
Support Eötvös Károly Policy Institute with donations. When you support EKINT, you invest in freedom.
We are civil society, we are free, we are Hungarians and we are Europeans
More than 100 Hungarian NGOs and tens of thousands of people joined and demonstrated at the “Heroes’ veto” event on Budapest’s iconic Heroes’ Square.
Interview: This is the logic of tyranny
Bernadette Somody (EKINT), Stefánia Kapronczay (Hungarian Civil Liberties' Union) and Márta Pardavi (Hungarian Helsinki Committee) on
Guideline on reasonable calculation
EKINT’s statement on Origo news portal’s war of numbers.
A footnote to the press conference of Civil Cooperation Forum
On its press conference of 9 March the Civil Cooperation Forum (CÖF-CÖKA) expressed concern about the transparency of Eötvös Károly Institute.
Did you really mean to charge these people with being left-wing liberals?
EKINT's riposte to the article of the government-backed daily Magyar Idők.
How can NGOs respond to governmental attacks?
A summary of EKINT’s viewpoint on recent governmental attacks against NGOs