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About the FINEC project

news 2013-05-01 | Fb Sharing

FINEC: Promoting an Effective Anti-Corruption Framework in the Central and Eastern European Countries

Eötvös Károly Institute has participated in the two-year-long FINEC project since May 2013. The project’s overall objective is to enhance institutional anticorruption (AC) frameworks in CEE countries for more effective AC measures enforcement. The project sets a broad approach to so-called soft corruption areas, often regarded as preventive area for hard corruption. This approach consists of researches, comparative analyses, best practice studies and recommendations for the specific situation of post-communist EU countries. The research transfers through country-focused recommendations experience and knowledge among post-communist EU countries.

The project further includes four in-depth researches on enforcement mechanisms of selected AC measures in five CEE countries in areas of political parties financing (effectiveness and pro-activity of oversight), conflict of interest (announcing during public bodies sessions), whistleblowing (whistleblowers protection in ACAs) and access to information (in state-owned enterprises). Comparative analyses will show advantages and deficiencies of different approaches and become a basis for the country focused recommendations. These recommendations on enforcement mechanisms will be inspired by European best practice examples which will be identified and described at the beginning of this project. Results from researches and best practice studies will be used also for formulating a set of general recommendations for CEE countries on specific AC measures enforcement, including the possibility of establishing or improving of a national ACA, according to international commitments like the UN Convention against Corruption. The most favorable factor in the project is the multiplication of experience and expertise thanks to cooperation of 6 leading national anticorruption NGOs, all experienced in researches and advocacy activities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and International Visegrad Fund. All the publications reflect the views only of the authors, and the European Commission or International Visegrad Fund cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The working documents of the project are available regarding the followng topics:

I. Access to information

FINEC - Comparative analysis of access to information in V4 countries + Estonia

FINEC - Analysis of free access to information in countries of the European Union - Slovenia, the UK, Estonia and Croatia

FINEC - General recommendations for strengthening the enforceability of the right to information

II. Political party finance

FINEC - Comparative analysis of political party financing in V4 countries + Estonia

FINEC - EU Summary Research on Political Party Financing Enforcement Mechanisms

FINEC - Political Party Finance - Best practices

III. Conflict of interests

FINEC - EU Summary Research - Conflict of Interests

FINEC - Comparative analysis of conflict of interest in V4 countries + Estonia

Summarizing the conclusions of the working documents above, the project resulted in formulating National Recommendations for fighting corruption in a national level.

FINEC - National Recommendations

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