The pamphlet contains the edited versions of lectures delivered in March 2005 at a conference co-hosted by the Commissioner for Education Rights and the Eötvös Károly Institute. The contributors include the ethologist Vilmos Csányi, the psychologist Tamás Vekerdy, the sociologist Mihály Csákó, the high school principal Tas Szebedy, and the constitutional lawyer Bernadette Somody. Intended to demarcate the boundaries of the inroads politics should be allowed to make in educational institutions, our Recommendations on “Politics in the School,” published in this pamphlet, drew some of their inspiration from the thoughts and observations of contributors to the conference. In fact, the manuscript of this “Code” was sent to each conference participant for comments. Finalized in this way, the Recommendations can be endorsed by anyone in agreement with their thrust.

László Majtényi: There is stink
László Majtényi’s essay in Élet és Irodalom on 2 Februar 2018.